Sunday, October 7, 2012

Week of October 1-5

What a great week with the youngest friends! We had a blast at Art Prize as we explored all of the different pieces of art in Grand Rapids. The youngest friends did a great job representing Innocademy on their first field trip!

In reading this week we added the letters s and t to our new group of zoo friends. We review our letters every day. Ask your child to show you who Sammy Snake is or Timothy Tiger! We also learned a new song this week: "Benjamin Bunny." Ask your child if they can remember the words to their new letter b song. We focused on words that start with the letter b and where we hear the /b/ sound. We also practiced penmanship of the letter b. Ask your child to show you how to write the letter b!

We learned two new sight words this week: like and go. To practice all of our sight words we did our new "Sight Word Dance." We put a motion with each of our sight words to help us remember them. They loved our sight word dance! Ask your child if they can tell you the motion for the following sight words: I, the, a, and, me, to, go, like.

In writing this week we practiced really taking our time. We practiced using our pictures to help us form our ideas and words.  I am so proud of the kids! We practicing stretching out our words to hear the sounds that make up a word. We continually practice our "can do" attitude as we keep writing and do our personal best. I can see their handwriting progress as we continue our daily writing workshop. Great job authors!

This week in math we talked about the following shapes: rectangle, square, circle. We talked about where we see these shapes in our daily lives. We also talked about how they are different and how we use shapes in math. The youngest friends even learned these shapes in Spanish with Ms. Mel! Ask your child if they can remember what these shapes are in Spanish!

We also reviewed graphing this week. Students worked in partners as they graphed different numbers 1-10. We talked about comparing numbers in a graph and introduced vocabulary of "more" and "less." We used real-life examples when graphing to help students connect the meaning of graphs to their every day life.

We continue to practice counting and creating scenes of numbers 1-10. Students are learning to differentiate between different groups of numbers. Along with our scenes we practiced penmanship of the numbers 1, 2, and 3. Ask your child to recite the number rhymes they use when writing these numbers.

This week in Social Studies we focused on birth order and different generations. We talked about the differences between youngest and oldest. We talked about our different families and who was born first and last. The kids had a blast making their very own family tree! We talked about how our parents were born first and our families are formed later on. Students labeled their family trees with correct birth order from oldest to youngest. They did a great job! We will finish our History unit this week and begin Geography next week.


-Please use the blue folders to send any forms, lunch info or money

-Please make sure your child has a snack in their backpack for our 10 a.m. daily snack

Have a great week!

Ms. Monica

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