Sunday, October 14, 2012

Week of October 8-12

The youngest friends had a beautiful week of learning this week! We are so excited to see Ms. Heather on Monday and are so thankful that she is okay. Thank you for all of your kind support through this time.

In reading this week we learned about two new zoo friends: U and V. Ask your child to show you who Umber Umbrellabird is or Vincent Vampire Bat. The zoo friends are really helping our readers to learn their letters and sounds.

We learned one new sight word this week: my. We added it to our new sight word dance and voted on a motion to out with the word. The kids really love the dance and it gets them moving while they learn their new words! Ask your child to show you the motion for the following words: I, the, a, and, me, to, go, like, my. A few weeks ago we began doing small group guided reading groups. It is so fun to see the kiddos reading and recognizing their new sight words.

This week in writing we practiced spelling our very best. Students learn that even though they may not know how to spell everything, they do know enough letters and sounds to spell the words they want to use as best as they can. They did a wonderful job this week! It was a beautiful week of growth for our youngest friends. It is so fun watching and listening as they practice the writing techniques they have learned. They really are doing their personal best! We have a "can do" attitude in our room!

In math this week we continued to practice writing our numbers, making groups of numbers, graphing and shapes. Students practiced differentiating between shapes that have no straight sides and shapes that have four sides. We talked about where we may see shapes like these in real life. They did a great job! We finished our first math unit this week and students will have their first math test this week. So proud!

This week in Social Studies we concluded our History Unit. Earlier in the week we talked about how we share different life experiences. As a class we talked about different experiences we have had and compared them. We also talked about how we have different experiences and thoughts when we are experiencing the same thing, like our field trip to Art Prize. We shared what each of our groups did at Art Prize and our favorite pieces of artwork. Students each made a quilt square out of paper of their favorite part of that day. We are excited to make our quilt displaying our love of Art Prize!

We also talked about decisions and consequences that characters might come across in some of the stories we have read. We read a Curious George book and talked about the choices George was making in the story because he would get curious. We discussed how George could make better choices and avoid consequences if he would stop and think about what he was about to do. The kiddos then wrote about a time when they made a good choice and how they made that choice. What a great learning experience!

In Mosaic last week we finished our unit on the UK. What a fun tea party, thank you Ms. Jacque and parents who volunteered!

Have a great week!

Ms. Monica

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