Monday, September 24, 2012

Week of September 17-21

What a wonderful week of learning! Thank you for attending conferences this past week. I am so proud of the kiddos for doing such a great job during their student-led conferences! It was exciting to see the youngest friends speak about what they have learned so far and what they love about school. They have already grown and learned so much already!

In reading this week we learned the following letters: m,n,o,p,q and r. Ask your child to show you some of their new zoo friends! They can tell you their name, motion and what sound they make. We also learned a new song this week: "Apple Annie." Ask your child to sing the song for you! We talked about words that began with the letter a and where we hear that "a" sound. They did a great job!
We learned two new sight words this week: and, to. The kids did a great job with these.
We complete a "fix-it" each day to help them remember their new sight words. The kids help me write a sentence with our sight words and then we correct it! They have learned that we need an uppercase letter in the beginning of a sentence and a period at the end of a sentence. During this time the kiddos also circle their new sight words. You can practice fix-its at home with your child as well. Here is a complete list of the sight words we have learned so far: I, the, a, and, me to.

We have some little authors in the youngest friends room! We did a lot of writing this week and I am so proud of the kids! We practicing stretching out our words to hear the sounds that make up a word. We also used our new zoo friends banner to help us when we need to match the sounds we hear to a letter. We practiced our "can do" attitude as we kept writing and did our personal best. What a great week for our writers!

This week in math we introduced the concept of graphing. The students learned that graphs help us display information in a new way. With a partner, students graphed the numbers we displayed on the board. They did a great job!
We also discussed the terms same, alike, and different. Students practiced this concept individually with a worksheet and in groups at different math centers. They practiced making groups of objects that were the same, alike or different. Students were able to explain to me why the shapes were the same, alike or different and why. They explained these concepts by using size, shape, color, etc.
Lastly, we talked about the concept of roundness. We talked about how the shape of a circle is a flat drawing yet a ball is completely round. We used a cone, cylinder and ball when talking about this concept. Together, we described the similarities and differences between these objects. Students were able to list several real-life examples of where they have seen these objects. Practice looking for these objects over break and see if your child can point some out to you!

Monday was the last day of our All About Me unit. I am so happy students were able to show you some of these pieces at conferences. On Wednesday we began a new unit on past, present and future. We practiced drawing examples of what we did yesterday, today, and what we might do tomorrow. Students made and explained their own examples. As a class, we discussed what we ate for dinner yesterday, what we wanted to eat for dinner today, and what we wanted to eat tomorrow. The students showed a great understanding of this subject! We will continue talking about these things during our daily calendar time. At home, you can practice talking about the daily agenda and events of your day. Talking about these things on a daily basis will help your child as they learn to understand days, weeks, months and years.

Have a wonderful relaxing break week!

Ms. Monica

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